Midnight at the Pera Palace is a Turkish time-travel historical drama series created by written by Elif Usman. Inspired by the 2014 historical non-fiction book titled Midnight at the Pera Palace: The Birth of Modern Istanbul by author Charles King, the Netflix series follows...
CinemaBlind's Review: 90%
Suppose you have already watched Batman: The Animated Series a hundred times and wanted a show that reminds you of the brilliant...
The most romantic season of the year is finally here and as the temperature cools down, Netflix has the perfect way to bring the heat. We are talking about its collection of spicy romantic comedy movies featuring salacious scenes and a lot of hilarious...
While we have already made a list of the best of the best movies coming to Max in September, those are not the only films you should look out for as the Warner Bros. Discovery-owned streaming service is also bringing you a ton of...
This July, Prime Video is bringing you a lot of entertainment with a sequel of a beloved film like My Spy titled The Eternal City and an animated sequel series to the comedy gold, which was the Sausage Party film titled Foodtopia. However, for...