Fellow Travelers is a historical drama miniseries created by Ron Nyswaner. Based on Thomas Mallon‘s 2007 fictional novel of the same name, the Showtime series is set in 1950s Washington D.C. and it revolves around the relationship between Hawkins Fuller and Timothy Laughlin. After a chance encounter Hawkins and Timothy start a relationship that lasts for more than three decades.
Fellow Travelers – Episode Guide (When are the Episodes Coming Out?)
Fellow Travelers consists of eight episodes in total. The Showtime series premiered with its first episode on October 27, with the rest of the episodes coming out weekly. Check out the full episode guide below:
- Episode 1 “You’re Wonderful” – October 27
- Episode 2 “Bulletproof” – November 3
- Episode 3 “Hit Me” – November 10
- Episode 4 “Your Nuts Roasting on an Open Fire”– November 17
- Episode 5 “Promise You Won’t Write” – November 24
- Episode 6 “Beyond Measure”– December 1
- Episode 7 “White Nights” – December 8
- Episode 8 “Make It Easy” – December 15
Fellow Travelers – Cast & Characters (Who is in It & Who are they Playing?)
Fellow Travelers stars Matt Bomer and Jonathan Bailey as the lead duo Hawkins and Tim. The supporting cast includes Noah J. Ricketts as Frankie Hines, Will Brill as Roy Cohn, Andy Milne as Andre, Jelani Alladin as Marcus Gaines, Linus Roache as Senator Smith, Allison Williams as Lucy Smith, Chris Bauer as Joe McCarthy, Christine Horne as Jean Kerr, Matt Visser as David Schine, Erin Neufer as Mary Johnson, Chelsea Russell as Stormé, Keara Graves as Miss Addison, Jane Moffat as Halen, and Thom Marriott as Karl Mundt.
Fellow Travelers – Trailer & Plot? (What is it About?)
“Decades-long chronicle of the risky, volatile and steamy relationship between the charismatic and ambitious Hawk and the pious and idealistic Tim, two political staffers who fall in love at the height of the 1950s Lavender Scare. Through the Vietnam War protests of the 1960s, the drug-fueled disco culture of the 1970s and the AIDS crisis of the 1980s, the two men’s fiery affair only intensifies despite the constant threat of being exposed and losing everything.”